We Celebrate Our Birthday With A Free Tool, An Exclusive Webinar And A Special Offer

viral loops birthday

Hey Viral Loops friends,

This is a very special moment for our team.

Last September, we publicly launched Viral Loops after being in private beta for 6 months.

Since then, we’ve faced a ton of challenges and achieved huge milestones.

One of them was the first version of our Refer a Friend template inspired by Dropbox.

And, now it’s time for version 2.


We completely redesigned the Dropbox-style template and added new features along with an easier installation process.

A few months ago we’ve also launched two brand new templates:

The Milestone Referral inspired by Harry’s
The eCommerce Referral inspired by Gilt

We’re humbled by some of the truly incredible companies who’ve chosen to bet on us.

Currently, more than 500 websites run viral and referral marketing campaigns with Viral Loops.

Product Hunt recently launched its Ambassador Program—excuse me for adding my referral link, but I love kitty swag ????

We know that our work is starting to pay off not only when our company KPIs increase.

But, also, when people send us “thank you messages” in our chat, our personal Facebook profiles and emails.

And when aspiring marketers like Josh Fechter of BAMF and Gretta Rose van Riel spread the word about us, we can’t do anything rather than a happy dance.

viral loops birthday happy dance

Last week, we wanted to celebrate our birthday and give some love ❤️ to our audience and friends.

So, here it is what we have for you:

1. Free Tool: Grow Like Dropbox

It’s a free tool to help you understand how Dropbox’s referral program and how you can design a similar campaign for your company.

We built in an internal hackathon over the weekend!

Last Friday, it ranked #1 on Product Hunt with over 1000 upvotes and was among the weekly top #5 products.

Don’t worry if you missed it, check it here producthunt.com/posts/how-to-grow-like-dropbox

2. Exclusive Webinar: How To Skyrocket Your Referral Program

On Wednesday 09/27 we’re hosting an exclusive webinar to show you some of our favourite growth tactics you can use to increase the performance of your referral program.

Almost nobody takes advantage of these growth hacks.

Claim your free spot at viral-loops.com/webinar.

3. Birthday Offer

If you’re an existing paying customer you can get 20% off forever if you upgrade to the next plan. You’ll get your code tomorrow. If you want it earlier than that, just shoot me on Intercom.

If you’re a free trialist and currently thinking to upgrade, you can use the coupon code:
VLBDAY6 which gives you 50% off any Viral Loops plan for the first 6 months.

Note: The offer ends on Wednesday 09/27 23:59 PST

Great times ahead

Truly yours,
Savvas, co-founder & CEO of Viral Loops

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