Did Harry’s turn off their referral program?

Viral Loops Q&A Quora

The truth is that Harry’s turned off their referral program 🙁

But with their prelaunch referral campaign, they achieved something unique.

They managed to gather more than 100,000 emails in a single week and build a strong brand.

They used some tactics on their landing page such as:

Their goal was to let people easily understand the referral concept and how they can win several prizes.

Nobody believed that a small barber shop could reach so much publicity via a milestone referral program.

This success led them to buy a 94 year old razor blade factory, hire more than 500 employees, open a barber shop in New York City and publish their own magazine!

Along with the above accomplishments, their digital store is one of the fastest growing in the industry.

There are many ways to delight your customers. A nice approach is to reward them for telling their friends about your products/company.

You can say that Harry’s team knew that, but what if they didn’t? We can tell that they surely knew that word of mouth was probably their best marketing channel.

And this is what they did! They ran a pre-launch with a referral campaign.

Every day, you get a lot of emails which end up in spam folder.

Imagine getting an email from your best friend or someone you trust, suggesting a new product/company → boom! → you are immediately interested in checking it. This is called referral marketing.

As I said in the beginning, Harry’s prelaunch referral program is turned off.

At this moment they are trying to figure out some new mechanisms as effective as their previous milestone-style referral campaign.

But nothing special yet. In case you want to build a similar campaign, you can use a free tool we built: How to build a prelaunch referral like Harry’s

It helps design in 4 simple steps, a campaign similar to Harry’s.

That’s all from me 🙂

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