How Growth Team Brazil managed to grab 5.5K emails through Referral Marketing & Word of Mouth

How Growth Team Brazil managed to grab 5.5K emails through Referral Marketing & Word of Mouth

Growth Team is Brazil’s first growth hacking agency.

We interviewed Braulio Medina, Co-founder at Growth Team to know more about their marketing approach & how referral marketing acted as a catalyst for the company’s growth.

Can you tell us about what you are working on? What is Growth Team Brazil?

My name is Braulio Medina, I am a mathematician and entrepreneur who is raising the bar in growth marketing for Latin American customers.

I am the co-founder of Growth Team, which is Brazil’s first growth hacking agency.

We adapt the most recent growth hacking strategies and methods to the reality of our customers and their audience to generate the best possible outcome.

At what stage is your company?

Apart from taking care of our ongoing customers, we decided to invest in growth education and bring the best knowledge in growth marketing to Brazil.

We are launching the Growth Marketing Brazil Pack in partnership with the Growth Marketing Conference, which is a digital product containing the material from the conference.

That’s why we are using Viral Loops!

How are your customers using Growth Team Brazil? Could you share a few different use cases?

We have been operating for 7 months only and we’ve already generated some great results for many different clients.

Our strategy will vary depending on the type of business (B2B, B2C, E-commerces, Marketplaces)

How did you get your first initial customers?

We launched our growth agency using a very strong scarcity signal to the market: we would only let 10 customers join. Over 100 registered!

Do you generate sales from word of mouth and referrals?

We did a list building campaign using Viral Loops during the last Black Friday.

We decided to give away some materials and courses that we have.

There were 5 different levels, based on the number of people referred.

Over 5.500 E-mails were collected using this strategy!

What made you want to run a referral program? What’s your goal?

We wanted to generate as much awareness as possible for people interested in learning about growth hacking in Brazil.

What are the core metrics that you measure constantly and are super important for you?

The number of people impacted on social media by our organic campaigns, inbound leads, deals closed.

What platform is your website built on and what are the top 3 marketing tools that you depend on to grow your company & how do you use them?

WordPress, Slack, Hubspot.

Final Thoughts

Growth Team Brazil ran a list building campaign using Viral Loops during the latest Black Friday, giving away some material and courses that they had.

Over 5.500 E-mails were collected using this strategy!

If you want to create a referral program like Growth Team, you can check this cool project and create a Milestone referral campaign in 4 simple steps, like Harry’s did!

The entire process was designed to be as easy as possible!


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