Announcing the Newsletter Referral: no relationship left to chance

Viral Loops for Newsletters announcement

Your relationship with your readers is too important to leave it in the fate of algorithms.

Facebook, Instagram, and other aggregator platforms are black boxes. The price for exposure in these aggregator platforms is becoming increasingly expensive as platforms saturate, making it increasingly harder to reach your audience.

But, what good is your content if you can’t get it in front of your audience?

A newsletter is a great way to create and maintain a relationship with your audience. Today, an email subscriber will still receive your content a year, two years, ten years from now.

Your email will reach that inbox EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. No middle man to control that relationship. Just you and your audience.

Welcome to the most authentic way to grow your audience—through your fans.

Today we’re introducing the Newsletter Referral because we believe in newsletters’ power to transform the relationship of writers and brands with their audience and reconstruct the online space in the process.

Try the Newsletter Referral for free.

Our new referral template helps you turn your readers into ambassadors, get more email subscribers, and build a stronger community through word-of-mouth.

We’ve based this new solution on the Milestone Referral concept: the more friends your subscribers invite, the more perks they get. You can reward them with access to select content, online events, access to exclusive communities, merchandise, and other perks. The possibilities are endless.

Our newsletter referral template offers you a smart and no-code referral workflow.

It’s simple.

You connect your email service provider with 1-click, and your existing subscribers will get their unique link to invite their friends. Viral Loops will do the rest so that you can focus on writing.

You can embed our Referral Email Widget directly into your newsletters. Your subscribers can refer friends via email, Messenger, WhatsApp, and other channels, without leaving the place your valuable content exists.

The Newsletter Referral integrates with numerous email service providers like Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign, Revue, and Substack.

If you are already an existing Viral Loops customer, you can start using the Newsletter Referral at no additional cost.

We’re calling it.

Word of mouth is customer acquisition for the 21 century. Today we are taking another small step towards that vision: to enable every brand and every creator to find their niche and build their audience organically.

Exciting times ahead.

Try the Newsletter Referral for free.

The Viral Loops Team

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