Viral Loops for Newsletters is LIVE on Product Hunt!

Viral Loops for Newsletters is LIVE on Product Hunt!

Big day today!

If you’re following Viral Loops for the last few months, you’ve probably noticed that we started creating solutions for creators— especially for publishers and newsletter creators.

Inspired by publishing companies like TheHustle, Morning Brew, TheSkimm, and how they use referrals to grow their subscribers, we created Viral Loops for Newsletters.

Long story short, Viral Loops for Newsletters is LIVE on Product Hunt, and we need your support!

What is Viral Loops for Newsletters?

Before we answer that question, we have to understand why you should use referral marketing for growing a publication or newsletter.

Publishers and newsletters generate revenue in three ways:

1. Native ads.
2. Paid subscribers.
3. Turning subscribers into customers (e.g., in e-Commerce).

No matter the chosen monetization model, growing the subscriber/reader count is crucial.

But just populating an email list is not enough; a publication needs loyal readers. People that resonate with what the company represents.

That’s where referral marketing comes into play.

Referrals do not simply grow the subscriber count but also build a ‘tribe’, as your existing audience invites like-minded people.

So, Viral Loops for Newsletters does exactly that; it gives you the power to reward your most loyal fans for inviting their like-minded friends to subscribe to your publication or newsletter.

How does it work?

We’ve based Viral Loops for Newsletters on the Milestone Referral concept: the more friends your subscribers invite, the more rewards they get.

You can reward them with access to exclusive content, online events, access to private communities, merchandise, and other perks.

It’s a no-code referral workflow.

All you have to do is connect your email service provider with 1-click, and your existing subscribers will get their unique link to invite their friends. Viral Loops will do the rest so that you can focus on writing.

You can embed our Referral Email Widget directly into your newsletters. Your subscribers can refer friends via email, Messenger, WhatsApp, and other channels, without leaving the place your valuable content exists.

Right now, Viral Loops for Publishing integrates with all the big email platforms— like Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign, AWeber, etc.

That makes it easy for anyone to set up their referral program in minutes. You won’t even need to build a landing page; we have our own landing page builder.

If that wasn’t enough, and you want to connect your referral program with your custom forms, landing pages, or with another email platform, our API is straightforward to use.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask us anything by following the link below. We also created a free tool, especially for Product Hunt’s community. 😍

Support us, ask us, or just say hi on Product Hunt!

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