What are the most important books for startup founders to read?

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“The best way to treat obstacles is to use them as stepping-stones. Laugh at them, tread on them, and let them lead you to something better.” – by Enid Blyton

If you’re running a startup, you should check out some super insightful books from successful people inside the startup world.

With these books you can optimize the way you run your startup and have some great experiment ideas in order to test them when the time comes.

The last 5 years were the most difficult years of my life.

I tried to overcome everyday difficulties with meditation, it helped me a lot when I was doing it during midnights.

Meditation opened my mind and I started seeing potential in thing I couldn’t before. That’s when I realized that I must help my teammates reach beyond their limit, and start making magic.

Therefore, I started reading a bunch of books about growth marketing, startups etc. and sharing my experiences with the rest of the team in our daily meetings.

The result?

After a while, the team got as inspired and motivated as I was. So we were capable of executing a lot of creative ideas that we had in mind.

I’m proud to be a part of this team, so here is the must-have reading list to keep everyone motivated, these are 10 books/e-books paid and free for you.

  1. The Innovator’s Dilemma PAID – by Clayton Christensen – provides an insightful analysis of changing technology and its importance to a company’s future success
  2. The Obstacle Is the Way PAID – by Ryan Holiday – the book draws its inspiration from stoicism, the ancient Greek philosophy of enduring pain or adversity with perseverance and resilience
  3. Extreme Programming Explained PAID – by Kent Beck – organizes and presents five years’ worth of experiences, growth, and change revolving around XP
  4. Let the Cash Flow: A Guide Full Of Growth Tactics For Your eCommerce Store FREE – by Viral Loops and ContactPigeon – you will get a deeper understanding of what can make or break your eCommerce store. In addition to that, it presents you tools and how you can utilize them to take your store one step ahead of the competition.
  5. The $100 Startup PAID – by Chris Guillebeau – shares ideas for living life in a non-conventional way. He has never felt trapped in a career office job, has been his own boss in a number of entrepreneurial ventures and enjoys spending his free time in what he personally finds to be a fulfilling way.
  6. Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future PAID – by Peter Thiel – a Legendary entrepreneur and Investor shows how to build a great business and a better future.
  7. Four Thousand Days: My Journey From Prison To Business Success PAID – by Duane Jackson – after being arrested in the US in possession of 6,500 ecstasy tablets he served time in prison on both sides of the Atlantic.On his release he started a business with the help of the Prince’s Trust. A business that he grew and sold four thousand days after his release from prison, making him a millionaire many times over.
  8. The Power of Broke PAID – by Daymond john – John has been practicing the power of broke ever since he started selling his home-sewn t-shirts on the streets of Queens. With a $40 budget, Daymond had to strategize out-of-the-box ways to promote his products.
  9. The Hard Thing About Hard Things PAID – by Ben Horowitz – cofounder of Andreessen Horowitz and one of Silicon Valley’s most respected and experienced entrepreneurs, offers essential advice on building and running a startup—practical wisdom for managing the toughest problems business school doesn’t cover, based on his popular ben’s blog.
  10. Will it fly? PAID – by Thomas K. McKnight – introduces the first intuitive, practical tool for assessing and refining new business ideas. Fast, confidential, and reliable, it addresses 44 key elements of success, distilling experience from more than 200 business launches.

That’s all from me 🙂

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