We interviewed Jim Groenen, Lead Growth Marketer at Growth Tribe.
Like he says in the interview below,
“Growth Tribe is Europe’s 1st Growth Hacking Academy”
Growth Tribe has trained 2000+ people in the last 2 years from 415 different companies.
So let’s go straight to the interview.
Growth Tribe is Europe’s 1st Growth Hacking Academy! We’re backed by the University of Amsterdam
We currently do courses ranging from 2 days, 6 weeks or 3 months on Growth Hacking and AI for Growth. Our trainers have a track record of hands-on start-up experience. They have been hustling in the digital realm for years.
We think that companies grow faster through
Therefore we wanted to take a different approach this time. By hosting a free accessible live online conference, we could empower much more people to join and learn together.
For the International Growth Marketing Summit, we invited 15 leading growth experts across the entire growth funnel.
In the end, we hosted the largest online conference on Growth Marketing up to date. We got 15,000 people that eventually registered for the Workplace
In our courses, we talk a lot about Other People’s Network
We got around 5,000 sign ups from our referral campaign. Here’s what went well:

Viral marketing is one of the best ways for product growth. It’s one of the least costly channels to reach both high quality and quantity leads as shown in the
See answer below
Do you have any core metrics that you measure constantly and are super important for you?
At Growth Tribe, we always measure viral campaigns through the
Our Growth Tribe back-end is based on Ruby on Rails. However, we found that experiments as these are way faster to build on Instapage. This enables us to go from design to landing page in just 1 day, instead of a week with Ruby.
Speed is essential to learn and adapt faster than others in the market. It democratises landing page creation across more team members since full-stack development skills are not required.
For now, we host all videos from the Online Summit on Facebook Workplace and ask a small fee for accessing the replays. This enables us to cover some costs of keeping the Workplace in place.
If you want to rewatch all the talks, check
Final thoughts
If you’re interested in learning growth hacking, Growth Tribe has a 2-day growth hacking course starting mid September.
Check it out here.
If you want to create a referral program like Growth Summit, you can check this cool project harrysprelaunchreferral.com and create a Milestone referral campaign in 4 simple steps, launch like Harry’s did!
The entire process was designed to be as easy as possible!
That’s all from us! ✌️