How to Generate Natural Word of Mouth for Your Podcast

“I think the thing that is probably king at every stage is word-of-mouth.” 

– Jack Rhysider, Darknet Diaries

Jack Rhysider

This insight from Jack Rhysider sheds light on the key to his podcast’s impressive growth to 2 million monthly downloads. The success of Rhysider’s Darknet Diaries podcast stems from crafting content that deeply resonates with listeners, who enthusiastically share their excitement with friends and family.

If you’re struggling to expand your podcast’s reach and downloads, take a page from Rhysider’s playbook and utilize word-of-mouth.

Excited to double or quadruple your listeners? Let’s dive into the fundamentals of word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM) and how you can apply it to your podcast.

What is Word-of-Mouth Marketing?

Let’s first unpack word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM) first.

Think back to the last time a friend recommended a podcast to you. Maybe they couldn’t stop talking about how insightful and entertaining it was, and you found yourself checking it out later that evening.

That’s the essence of Word of Mouth.

It’s an organic and authentic form of marketing in which the message is shared from person to person. It is not scripted; it’s not planned. WOMM is real people talking about real experiences, making it one of the most trusted ways to learn about new products or content.

At its core, WOMM is simple: it happens when someone talks about a brand, product, or service in a genuine way. It could be a quick mention of a fantastic podcast episode that changed someone’s perspective or a passionate recommendation over lunch about a new product they’ve tried.

Unlike traditional advertising, WOMM doesn’t need to shout to be heard. Its power lies in its authenticity and the trust it builds.

And why is that so effective?

Simple. Because people trust people.

Here are some statistics that might convince you further of Word of Mouth’s power:

  • According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers are more likely to trust recommendations from friends or family over any form of advertising.
  • Marketers often overlook WOMM’s potential. A 2021 study by RRD revealed a striking disconnect: while only 4% of marketers identified word-of-mouth as a preferred channel for consumers to learn about a new brand or product, nearly 28% of consumers stated it as their preferred way. And it doesn’t end there; WOMM has a higher research-to-purchase ratio (40%) than any other channel.
  • BrightLocal’s study shows that 89% of consumers said product/service/brand reviews impact their purchasing decisions.

RRD on Word of Mouth

These statistics underscore WOMM’s impact, and the list could go on. Fortunately, you can tap into this power to benefit your podcast.

Benefits of Word of Mouth for Podcasts

Sure, Word of Mouth Marketing sounds great. But how can that really impact your podcast? Here are some ways:

Podcast Discovery

Personal recommendations and word of mouth are powerful drivers for discovering new podcasts. According to Headliner’s study with 315 participants, 33% of people found new podcasts through word of mouth alone—that’s one out of three people!

Similarly, the Podcast Host Discoverability Survey ranked personal recommendations as the second most popular method for finding new podcasts, making up 18% of discoveries.

Reaching the Right Audience

Think of it like this: when you recommend something to a friend, you’re doing so because you understand their tastes and preferences. The same principle applies to WOMM in podcasting. When listeners share your podcast, they pre-screen the audience, connecting with people with similar interests. This targeted approach increases conversion rates and creates a more engaged and enthusiastic listener base.

Trust and Credibility

Recommendations from friends and family carry immense weight. They build confidence in your podcast and foster loyalty and engagement among listeners, turning casual listeners into dedicated fans. It makes them perceive the podcast as valuable and worth their time.


WOMM is often a cost-effective alternative to traditional marketing strategies. By harnessing the enthusiasm of your satisfied listeners, you can create buzz around your podcast without incurring substantial expenses.

WOMM can be leveraged at little to no cost through voluntary or incentivized recommendations that deliver high returns with minimal investment (we’ll explore these strategies in more detail later).

Harnessing the power of word-of-mouth can dramatically elevate your podcast’s reach and impact. Imagine transforming enthusiastic listeners into your podcast’s most passionate advocates, all while keeping marketing costs low.

13 Key Strategies for Generating Natural Word of Mouth for Your Podcast

Now that we’ve established the incredible power of word-of-mouth marketing and its potential to elevate your podcast, you may be wondering how to ignite that organic buzz. Get ready to dive into a treasure trove of actionable strategies designed to turn your excited listeners into vocal advocates.

Whether you’re a seasoned podcaster or just starting out, these 13 key strategies will empower you to foster meaningful connections, spark conversations, and inspire sharing among your audience.

Let’s unlock the secrets to amplifying your podcast’s reach through the art of authentic recommendations!

1. Deliver Exceptional Experience

People need something to talk about. And that something comes in the form of remarkable experiences that people can’t wait to share. This is a non-negotiable in WOMM.

Here are some things to prepare before the actual podcast:

  • Prepare Engaging Stories

Ah, stories. They’re the lifeblood of any form of entertainment and education nowadays. If you don’t have a story to tell, your audience won’t care enough to listen.

So captivate your audience with compelling narratives that grab their attention and hold it throughout each episode. Focus on storytelling elements like intriguing hooks, relatable characters, and memorable moments. An engaging story or a well-placed emotional trigger can keep your audience hooked, making them eager to refer friends.

  • Secure High-Quality Content

Deliver insightful content that not only entertains but also adds real value. When listeners find something worthwhile, they’re more likely to discuss it with friends and family, fueling organic recommendations.

  • Deliver High Production Value

Invest in good recording equipment and editing software to ensure precise audio and a polished final product. High production values enhance the listening experience, making your podcast more enjoyable and professional. This attention to detail helps retain listeners and foster positive word-of-mouth.

Once you’ve prepared these things, the next part is to amp up the excitement on the actual podcast. Here’s how to do that:

  • Have Live Episodes

Turn up the energy with live recordings where listeners can join in the action! Host a lively Q&A session, or even bring your audience into the conversation. It’s a fantastic way to build a real-time connection and make your show feel dynamic and interactive.

  • Video Podcast

With video podcasts on the rise, you can give your audience a visual boost to your discussions. Visuals can turn an ordinary episode into a multi-sensory experience!

  • On-Location Episodes

Shake things up by taking your podcast out of the studio! Record in vibrant, unexpected locations that add flair to your content. Capture the buzz of a festival, the tranquility of a scenic spot, or the excitement of a live meet-and-greet. It turns your podcast into an epic audio adventure!

By injecting these exciting elements into your podcast, you’ll give your listeners something truly special to talk about and share, boosting your podcast’s buzz and reach.

One great example of a podcast doing all these is Podcast But Outside, which currently has over 115 thousand subscribers in YouTube.

podcast but outside

Of course, you don’t have to do all three (unless that’s your niche). But doing at least one from time to time can give your audiences the variety they need.

But remember that trust is the bedrock of successful WOMM; if your content falls short, listeners won’t be motivated to recommend it.  Always strive to offer them an exceptional experience they feel proud to share.

2. Narrow Down Your Audience and Know Them Well

Understanding your audience is the secret sauce to creating killer content. So, before you dive into recording, there are two main things you need to do:

  • Determine Your Target Market: To create content that truly resonates with your audience, you need to understand them. Identify the demographics of your primary listeners, including age, gender, education level, income bracket, and more. Don’t create content for everyone—if you do, you’re setting yourself up to fail.
  • Create Detailed Personas: Get to know your listeners like you would your besties! Learn their interests, behaviors, and what keeps them up at night. The more you know, the better you can tailor your podcast to serve up exactly what they’re craving.

By really getting to know your listeners and tweaking your content based on their vibes, you’ll not only build loyalty but also spark those juicy conversations.

But aside from that, when you truly know who your audience is and you capture their attention or provide a solution to their problem, chances are they’ll recommend you to other people going through the same issues.

For instance, the FreshRN Podcast focuses on freshly registered nurses who are yet to find their first jobs. Kati Kleiber, the host, talks about what to expect, tips on how to excel in their jobs, and so on. She basically provides answers to the most pressing concerns of fresh nurses.

freshRN podcast

You’d think narrowing down your market segment means fewer listeners, right? Wrong! It actually means targeting more invested audiences with a network of people with the same interests! And as we all know, when there are similar interests, the share button is so easily pressed.

3. Encourage Listener Engagement

 Turning your audience from passive listeners into your biggest cheerleaders is all about sparking that extra excitement.

Request Feedback

Check out the Let Me Speak to a Managerpodcast. When it was pretty new, it was already making waves. Why? When a fan reaches out to Ian and Frank with something like, “Hey, I love your podcast!” they don’t just say thanks—they ask for a rating and review. This smart move gets them a ton of real reviews from real people, which cranks up their visibility and social proof!

let me speak to a manager podcast

Another great example is Pat Flynn from the Smart Passive Income podcast. He’s always in the loop with his listeners, running polls, asking for suggestions, and fine-tuning his episodes based on their input. That’s how he’s scored over 47 million downloads!

smart passive income podcast

Ask Them What They Really Think

Now, if you’ve been in the podcast game a bit longer, don’t sleep on the power of direct recommendations. Jack Rhysider knows this well. Instead of asking for ratings, he’s all about encouraging his listeners to listen to a different podcast episode and asking them to tell him what they think about it.

Straight-up asking for recommendations can hit harder as it makes the audience feel part of the show.

darknet diaries podcast

Harness the Power of Reciprocity

Imagine this: someone leaves a rave review, drops you a DM, or posts about your episode on social media. Boost their excitement by featuring their shoutout or mentioning them in your next episode.

If you ask for feedback, read some of them on the show and thank the contributors. When you read their feedback on air, those mentioned in the episode would share it with their friends and family. That’s natural word of mouth at work right there!

When you make your listeners feel special and valued, they’re not just grateful—they’re excited to share your podcast with everyone they know! It’s a win-win that fuels your growth and keeps the buzz alive.

Build After-Podcast Communities

Boost your podcast’s word of mouth by creating vibrant online communities where listeners can connect and chat.

Take inspiration from the Philippines’ popular Ang Walang Kwentang Podcast (The Pointless Podcast), which boasts over 98,000 active members in their After-Podcast Tsikahan group on Facebook. This community isn’t just a forum for discussing episodes; it’s a lively hub where fans connect over shared interests and passions.

After Podcast Facebook Group

Creating a space where listeners feel genuinely engaged and valued enhances their enthusiasm and boosts their chances to share your podcast with their networks.

4. Leverage Influencers and Fellow Podcasters

Who says recommendations and shares only come from audiences?

Word-of-mouth marketing from influencers and other podcasters can seriously level up your podcast game by plugging you into their loyal fanbases. Teaming up with voices people already vibe with boosts your show’s visibility and trust factor, fast!

Here are a few ways to make this happen:

  • Guest Spotlights

Bring guests onto your podcast and get them hyped to share their episode with their followers. Just make sure the guests you bring in are those that can help your target audience. Don’t just bring a guest because they have a lot of followers—bring those that can add value to your podcast.

  • Cross-Promote

Jump into a podcast network about lifting each other up! Partner with fellow podcasters, swap guest spots, and get featured on each other’s shows. It’s a fun, organic way to tap into fresh audiences, supercharge your growth, and build epic connections in the podcasting world!

To connect with fellow podcasters, you can join a community of podcasters, send a direct message to a podcaster you want to guest, or even work with podcast directories like Podcast Guests that make it easy to make guestings happen.

podcast guests


5. Use Visual and Emotional Triggers

Employing visual and emotional triggers is a crucial strategy for generating word of mouth for your podcast. If the audience can relate, they will most likely share.

But podcasts are audio-based. What kind of visual triggers are there? Several, champ. These are:

  • Cover Art

According to UX designer, Asher Silverman, “Podcast art matters more than most people realize. You’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but the cover is the first thing you see, and it’s often a deciding factor in whether or not you decide to give it a try. Podcast art is exactly the same.”

Need I say more? The key is to prioritise creating striking cover art that captures attention and differentiates your podcast in various directories.

podcast cover art

  • Episode Titles

Make sure to use descriptive titles for each episode that pique interest and stand out from other podcasts in the same genre. Here are a few tips:

  1. Be Descriptive: Ensure your titles clearly convey the episode’s content. Use keywords relevant to your theme to attract potential listeners.
  2. Evoke Emotion: Incorporate words that elicit curiosity or excitement. Phrases like “must-listen” or “game-changing” can draw in an audience eager for engaging content.
  3. Keep it Concise: Aim for brevity while maintaining clarity. A title that’s too long may lose its impact, so strive for a balance between informative and succinct.
  4. Include Numbers: Lists often catch attention. Consider titles like “7 Ways to Boost Your Productivity” to attract listeners looking for specific, actionable insights.
  5. Use SEO Strategies: Research popular search terms related to your topic. Including these in your titles can improve discoverability in podcast directories and search engines.
  6. Create Intrigue: Pose a question or present a problem in the title. This tactic can spark interest and encourage potential listeners to tune in for the solutions discussed.
  7. Test Different Formats: Experiment with different styles, such as question-based titles or statements, to see what resonates best with your audience.
  8. Consider Your Brand Voice: Your title should reflect the tone and personality of your podcast. Maintain consistency with your overall brand to build recognition and loyalty among listeners.


  • Visual Content

Create visual content such as quote cards, video snippets, or behind-the-scenes photos from your podcast recording sessions. Take a look at Darknet Diaries’ website and see how it lives up to the podcast’s theme.

Share your on-theme visuals on social media to spark interest, fuel online conversations, and encourage listeners to spread the word, helping you attract new fans.

6. Utilize Social Networks to the Fullest

Imagine a world where your podcast isn’t just another name in the crowd but a vibrant part of people’s daily conversations.

Podcasts thrive on a sense of community and connection, making social media the perfect platform to engage listeners and encourage them to spread the word. By building authentic relationships and fostering genuine dialogue, podcasters can transform listeners into enthusiastic advocates.

Imagine your audience not just tuning in but actively discussing episodes, sharing insights, and eagerly recommending your content to friends. The authenticity of these interactions is what makes word-of-mouth marketing so powerful, as it resonates more deeply than any traditional advertisement could.

Encourage User Generated Content

One effective strategy for podcasters is to leverage user-generated content to amplify their reach. Harnessing the power of UGC can skyrocket your podcast’s visibility and credibility.

Encouraging listeners to share their thoughts and favorite moments or even create discussion threads about episodes provides valuable content and enhances community interaction. For instance, you could invite listeners to post their episode takeaways or reactions and tag your page. This not only increases engagement but also creates a stream of authentic content that attracts new listeners.

Run Social Media Challenges

Podcasters can also run contests or campaigns where fans submit creative content related to the show, further boosting visibility and community involvement.

Not only does this skyrocket your podcast’s exposure, but it also ramps up social proof and builds a tight-knit community around your show. Ready to turn your listeners into your biggest fans? Let’s get those challenges rolling!

Don’t Forget the Hashtags

Create and promote branded hashtags to make it easier for your audience to connect and share their posts. A unique hashtag helps compile all the user-generated content in one place, amplifying the buzz around your podcast and making it easier for new listeners to discover the conversation.

social media for podcasts

7. Set-Up Referral Programs

Ready to take your podcast’s reach and revenue to new heights? Discover referral programs and see your audience soar!

But first, what’s a referral program?

Think of it as word-of-mouth marketing with a turbo boost—adding incentives to amplify your results and supercharge your growth.

Here’s how you can make it work for you:

  • Leverage Your Loyal Listeners: Start with your biggest fans! Encourage them to spread the word about your podcast to friends and family. Since new listeners from referrals often share similar interests, they’re more likely to become loyal followers themselves.
  • Offer Irresistible Incentives: While natural WOMM is powerful, adding incentives can accelerate your growth. Think discounts on subscriptions, exclusive merchandise, special content, or even exciting meet-and-greet opportunities. The right rewards can motivate listeners to share your podcast enthusiastically!
  • Choose Your Program Style: Customize your referral program to fit your needs. Whether it’s a straightforward 7-day challenge, a single-sided reward for referrals, or a two-sided system where both parties benefit, pick what works best for you.
  • Simplify Tracking: Managing referrals can be tricky, especially if you offer Patreon and subscription options. To streamline the process, use referral tracking software like Viral Loops to help you manage and monitor your program effectively.

When you start a referral program, new listeners find your podcast, and loyal fans get rewards. Everyone wins!

Want proof that referral marketing works for podcasts? Have a look at our list of 5 podcasts teaching you the importance of referral marketing and see how their podcast brand launch ideas really paid off.

8. Go Out There!

One powerful way to expand your podcast’s reach is by stepping away from the microphone and engaging with your community face-to-face. Attending conferences, meetups, and local events can be a game-changer for promoting your podcast.

Here’s how you can make the most of these opportunities.

Finding the Right Events

  1. Research Relevant Gatherings: Start by searching for events in your area that align with your podcast’s theme. Whether you’re talking about technology, health, or storytelling, there are likely conferences and meetups that cater to your niche. Websites like Meetup, Eventbrite, and LinkedIn are excellent resources for finding these gatherings.
  2. Join Online Communities: Engage with online forums and social media groups related to your podcast’s topic. Members often share information about upcoming events, and you can get recommendations on which ones are worth attending.
  3. Local Libraries and Community Centers: These venues often host small-scale events and workshops that might be relevant to your podcast. Check their bulletins or websites regularly.

A great example is The Affiliate Marketing Podcast, which attends affiliate marketing events and conferences and talk about what happens in these events in their podcast. They touch base with their listeners as well as create content that totally resonates with them.

affiliate marketing podcast

Benefits of Face-to-Face Interactions

  • Authentic Connections: Meeting people in person allows for genuine interactions, helping you to establish trust and credibility. You’re not just a voice from a podcast, but a real person with passion and knowledge.
  • Instant Feedback: In-person conversations can offer immediate feedback on your podcast. Attendees can share what they like, what they’d love to hear more about, and even suggest potential improvements.
  • Networking Opportunities: Events are a goldmine for networking. You can connect with potential guests, collaborators, or even sponsors who might be interested in supporting your podcast.

Enhancing Podcast Visibility

  • Elevator Pitch: Prepare a concise and engaging pitch about your podcast. You’ll be meeting many people, so having a clear message about what your podcast offers can spark interest quickly.
  • Promotional Materials: Bring business cards or flyers with your podcast’s information, including QR codes for easy access to your episodes. This makes it easy for people to remember and find your podcast later.
  • Live Engagements: If possible, offer to host a live discussion or panel at the event. This not only showcases your expertise but also introduces your podcast to a broader audience.

Turning Attendance into Growth

After attending these events, follow up with the contacts you’ve made. Send them a thank-you email, connect with them on social media, and invite them to listen to your latest episode. Share your experiences at the events on your podcast or blog to create a buzz and show your audience that you’re active and engaged in your field.

9. Listen to Your Audience

Unlock your podcast’s full potential by diving into both positive and constructive feedback. It’s not just about soaking up the praise like “I love your episode!”—it’s about understanding what truly clicked with your audience and where there’s room for improvement.

  • Social Listening: Keep your ear to the ground by tracking online mentions of your podcast. Use social media monitoring tools or hashtags to gauge conversations. If you have an online community, leverage it to gather insights and keep the dialogue going.
  • Embrace Constructive Criticism: Negative comments aren’t setbacks—they’re opportunities to grow. Approach criticism with an open mind and respond thoughtfully. Constructive feedback can highlight areas for improvement and drive your podcast’s evolution.
  • Analyze and Adapt: Regularly review both positive feedback and suggestions to identify patterns. What are listeners raving about? What do they think could be better? Use these insights to tweak your content, enhance your show’s appeal, and continuously elevate your podcast.


Turn Up the Volume: Your Podcast’s Adventure Awaits!

As you embark on the journey to generating natural word of mouth for your podcast, remember that authenticity and passion are your greatest allies. Harness the power of genuine connections and let the enthusiasm for your content shine through every interaction. Each listener is not just an audience member but a potential ambassador ready to share your story.

So, get creative, be bold, and most importantly, have fun with the process. Your podcast is more than a series of episodes—it’s an adventure waiting to be shared. Now, go out there and let the world hear your voice!

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