Is Viral-Loops a viable alternative to KickOffLabs?

Viral Loops Q&A Quora

Hey there,

Glad to see that you’re interested in using our viral and referral marketing platform🙂

As you can see, I’m the co-founder & CEO Viral Loops, so most probably I’m not the best person to answer this questions But, I’ll try to give you an honest answer

First off, the team behind kickofflabs does a great job and I think they have a great team. So, if you already use them, go for it. If not, here are some points to consider regarding Viral Loops.

3 Type of Prelaunch Campaigns + Referral for Post-launch

I don’t want to say all the great stuff you can do using our solution, but in a nutshell, I think our solution is super easy to use (template-based) and really powerful as we offer 3 types of prelaunch campaigns:

You can read more about our prelaunch campaign templates at this Quora question: Referral marketing software for prelaunch campaigns?

Most of our customers start with one of the campaigns above and then continue using the other modules we offer, like viral sweepstakes, referral programs and loyalty schemes. We also launched Referral Programs for e-Commerce lately.

What others say

We’re not an established tool yet, and that’s why you can’t find a lot of reviews yet But, we’re growing like crazy and getting lots of new customers.

Some of them expressed their love and enthusiasm on Product Hunt, when we launched Viral Loops for Startups. Just scroll down and read the comments for some feedback on our platform.

We need to work harder

Besides all these, we know we’re new. Other platforms are more time in the market. Some people think that this is not so good for us, but we see it as a great opportunity to create something unique. Something that people haven’t experienced in the past. This is why we need to work harder, deliver more value and give awesome customer service.

For example, in Viral Loops we have something that we call Awesome Support. Basically we offer technical support and marketing advice in all of our plans.

If you want to talk with more people that used us, just drop me a line at and I can introduce you to them ✌️

Wish you all the best with your prelaunch campaign!

PS. You may find this article helpful: 10 Tips To Boost Your Prelaunch Campaign.

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