Viral Loops joins forces with Growth Hacking University

Viral Loops Joins forces with Growth Hacking University

2018 is still young and it will be full of surprises.

Even from Q1 we are going to push our limits having one true north:

.Our customers’ success.

I’m not talking about successful referral marketing campaigns; we’re going for the whole package. Even though we can’t really do anything for your product or service, what we can do is to help you maximize your marketing efforts across all your digital properties.

That’s why made- and proudly announce, our partnership with Growth Hacking University, the online educational platform for true marketing hustlers.

The 1st course named “The Ultimate Introduction To Growth Hacking” is out, and if you are already a Viral Loops customer you can either get it for FREE or with 40% discount (depending on the plan you’re on).

If you are a Viral Loops customer (arigato for that!) you can grab your free/discounted course directly from the ‘Training’ section, inside our app.

We know that most marketing courses are not really reliable, but Growth Hacking University is a direct offspring of Growthrocks & Viral Loops, meaning that you’ll receive the maximum value, and support, possible.

So if you want to learn how to attain a sophisticated approach on growth, and in the same time get all the knowledge needed to systemize your way of thinking about it, this course is the perfect fit for you.

Be cautious; amazing & exclusive content Inside.

We truly believe that by making such great partnerships, Viral Loops will help more startups and small companies acquire more customers and users effectively.

As I wrote in the beginning, our goal is our customers to be successful, so we won’t stop here.

More news and partnerships are coming soon!

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