Prelaunch campaigns: How to do it right

Prelaunch campaigns: How to do it right

Why Your Company Needs A Prelaunch Campaign.

As we wrote, It’s easy to get caught up in modern digital marketing tactics, but good old-fashioned marketing is unbeatable.

Take Forever21 (or any other mainstream brand name), for example. Last week they launched their new collection in collaboration with Kylie and Kendal Jenner.

They created a huge prelaunch hype.

By the day that the store began selling this clothing line, the girls who were supposed to buy it, already raved about it.

Pre-launch campaigns play a significant role in how people will perceive your product even before they get it in their hands.

Forever21’s success is indeed due to the celebrities involved, and like most of us, you may not have that kind of resources.

Why are pre launch campaigns important?

A prelaunch campaign offers three opportunities. You have a chance to:
  1. Present your dream to the world.
  2. Test the market interest by gathering early adopters.
  3. Gather feedback about the product.

So what do you do? And why the heck do we write about pre-launch campaigns by using Ambassador Referral Campaigns?

We have the answer to both questions. Let’s get straight to it.

What do you have in stash for early adopters?

This is a crucial question to ask.

The is no straight answer to that, but there are some options:

I think that providing discounts is pretty straight-forward, so I’ll move right to proving extended product features.

Think of something in the same lines with Dropbox providing extra space on the cloud for the more people you referred to.

So, if you for example run subscription-model business with different pricing plans, you can either give early adopters the chance to use it for free or get the perks of a higher plan even if they purchase a smaller one.

Now, have you ever heard of FOMO?

FOMO a.k.a. Fear Of Missing Out is a powerful force.

So powerful, in fact, that merely making potential customers feel like they might be missing out on something can often move them to action.

56% of surveyed adults admit that FOMO impacts their media usage habits, for example, compelling them to look at social media again and again.

Marketers can harness FOMO by creating an impression of exclusivity through the use of wait lists, limited supply, and time limits.

FOMO is the principle that makes giving early access to users so important on pre-launch campaigns.

And  Robinhood took advantage of that principle. As a part of their pre-launch strategy, the Robinhood team invited potential app lovers to gain invitation-only, early access to its private beta.

Instead of inviting potential Robinhood users to join a mailing list, the company appealed to its interested fans’ desire to be the first to benefit from what Robinhood had to offer.

And this offer was so enticing, that it got the attention of Hacker News, which was “Every engineer’s dream in the Valley,” according to co-founder Vlad Tenev.

How can you do it for your business?

Well, the first step you must take is to set up your ambassador referral marketing program, and our Milestone Referral Template is the best choice for running a pre-launch campaign for your new product.

Here’s how it works.

Your participants join the Milestone Referral campaign and reach milestones as they refer more and more friends to join the campaign.

For example, the first milestone can be at five referrals, then at 15, 30, and so on.

To do a pre-launch campaign with this concept, you may have the milestones to be specific dates that campaign participants are going to get access to your product, starting with the date that is furthest away.

The more friends a participant brings to your campaign, the earlier they will get access.

Take a look at the following God-awful example graphic (sorry, I promise to improve my design skills):

The participants that refer just five friends will get access in late June, but those that bring at least 25 referrals will get access first on May 1st.

The gamification aspect of the Milestone Referral template makes it very appealing to your campaign participants, and you can get high engagement on such a campaign.

7 things to do while in Prelaunch.

This is it!

It’s finally happening! After all these months (or has it been years?) of blood sweat and tears, you are at last ready to push the button.

You’re going 8 mile now – this is your shot to greatness.

You close your eyes and prepare for the upcoming fireworks and marching bands…

Rolling tumbleweeds and the sound of crickets is what you get instead.

But you worked your ass off! How is this possible?

You wake up in your bed. It was only a dream…

Let’s do it the right way this time.

1. Find your Message.

In one of the most popular TED talks ever made, Simon Sinek explains the difference in mindset between a company that focuses on what they do and how versus one that knows first of all why they do it.

Do you have a clear idea of why you do what you do? Do you communicate it to the world effectively?

Chances are you’re not the only one doing what you are doing. So ask yourself – as a customer, when faced with the option to choose between similar products, what affects your decision?

Price, sure. Features and aesthetics too. But what influences you the most is your instinct. You will buy from the company that you trust more, that you feel a stronger connection to.

Facts do not move people, but emotions.

The message you put out should appeal to your customers’ hearts, not their logic. Make sure you position yourself in a way that connects with your customers and sets you apart from competitors.

2. Listen to your market.

You’ve thought of everything. Your product is just perfect. You can already imagine the people trampling over one another to get their hands on it first. They will love it.

Hold your… horses for a second.

Don’t just assume you know what’s best for your customers, or that you know how to solve their problems better than they do. It could be that no one needs something you’ve built in, or there’s a particular essential (and perhaps pretty simple) feature missing.

So ask them!

What do they love about your product? What is “ok” but could be improved? What needs changing? What is a deal breaker? Act on the feedback you get.

Question. Explore. Improve.

Listening to the pain points of your community and acting on the feedback is the most important thing you can do at this stage. Don’t go launching what you think your customers want instead of what they want.

3. Start the hype train.

To have a killer product launch, putting the words out there at the last minute won’t cut it. You have to start creating hype long before the actual day.

The list below is by no means exhaustive. If you get some excellent idea about creating hype around your product, definitely go for it!

So, here are a few ways:

For physical products, show and explain how the product is created. For digital products, post relevant memes, videos, or photos of your team at crucial moments during the development process.

Another great way to create hype is to post teaser content

If you can make the audience intrigued but withhold some information so that they are left guessing, you will generate some serious buzz around your product.

Later on, you can allow for some “leaks” (again not giving away the full picture) to spark interest even more.

Then let it spread like wildfire. ..

4. Get your team ready.

As you prepare for a spike in traffic and sales, it is good practice to have everyone on board and ready for dealing with the issues that will arise on launch day.

5. Set up goals and metrics.

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”

The importance of this paraphrased quote from the daddy of modern management theory Peter Drucker should be painfully obvious when setting up the stage for your launch.

Simply put – What do you expect to achieve?

Goals give your team something tangible to work towards, a sense of direction. When setting your goals, make sure they are S.M.A.R.T. – if you’re not familiar with the acronym, it doesn’t mean goals of superior intellect, but goals that are:

Having goals that are well defined and challenging but possible to achieve within a specified timeframe, helps you and your team create a game plan that will serve as a tool to coordinate your actions and put you on track.

Some examples:

Once the goals are in place, it is time to define and capture the metrics that support the goals and give you an insight into how effectively they were attained.

6. Leverage the launch day.


You’re in the trenches now. You are going in for the kill.

Today is first all about exposure and capturing attention, and then – if successful – managing the spike of traffic and interest you will receive regarding your product.

7. Choose your post-launch actions carefully.

So you’ve done it!

The launch was a roaring success. Traffic is up; sales are booming. Is it time to lay under the sun on a tropical beach or sail across the Mediterranean on a yacht now?

Not quite.

You just brought your product to life. Now begins the process of fine-tuning and refining every aspect of it. Pricing, messaging, user experience. Everything can be – and should be – improved during the product’s life cycle. Give your customers a reason to keep coming back and talking about it.

Intercom’s post-launch loop involves 3 actions:

Keeping sales up is an ongoing process which you can maintain through various approaches:

Launching your product is a big deal, and should be treated as such. Having a solid plan and executing it as flawlessly as possible certainly gives you the best chance for success.

7 things to do while in Prelaunch:

  1. Find your Message.
  2. Listen to your market.
  3. Start the hype train.
  4. Get your team ready.
  5. Set up goals and metrics.
  6. Leverage the launch day.
  7. Choose your post-launch actions carefully.

10 Tips To Boost Your Startup’s Pre-Launch Campaign.

1. Build a pre-launch landing page.

A landing page is the image of your product to the world. It can help you deliver the right message to the right audience.

In general, you should be thinking about growth before you even launch your product. That’s why you should have a place where you can get users to sign up for exclusives, e.g. early access, special offer, gifts, etc.

Some quick wins for your pre-launch landing page are:

Below is Robinhood’s landing page, when they were doing their pre-launch campaign. They gathered over a million pre-launch users.

Robinhood had one of the most successful prelaunch campaigns.

If you want a Robinhood-style pre-launch campaign, join Viral Loops today!

2. Use a viral boost to get more leads.

In that pre-launch stage, all you need is to get emails, as many emails as you can. Get people to love you. 

Turn early-visitors into advocates of your product. When someone visits your website, she can join a wait list or a giveaway where she can get early access if she refers to her friends.

In Viral Loops, we offer a Robinhood-style pre-launch template to run a proven prelaunch campaign. You’re ready to go in seconds.

3. Boost traffic with ads.

This is probably the most scalable and easiest way to test different campaigns and get immediate results.

It’s necessary to run campaigns on paid channels because they’re highly customizable, and you can easily target and test specific groups.

Facebook is an excellent solution if you want something cheap, with great targeting options and quick results.

You can use AdEspresso to easily create your Facebook ads and save a ton of time in creating variations traditionally.

4. Have a banner with every important referral page.

Customize your landing page by adding welcoming banners to users from a range of referral sources.

Some great tools to use are Introbar and Appocalypsis.

5. Submit your startup. (PH, HN, Betalist)

There are several websites where you can expose your startup and build backlinks. Have you tried Product Hunt? Betalist? Hacker News?

You can take a look at this list, which has all the necessary communities to list your startup.

If you don’t have time to submit your startup, you can have a look at this marketing tool, which helps you submit your information to startup directories, review sites, and communities

6. Build/engage with a community.

One of the cheapest ways to create momentum for your product is to build a community around your startup.

A community is much more than a one-time marketing campaign and can help you throughout your company’s life cycle if you take the time to grow it right.

You can create a Slack community; you can have a look at Buffer’s approach on how to create one.

Here’s a great guide for building awesome communities, created by Sacha Greif.

7. Building Marketing Into Your Product.

“Marketing is for companies with sucky products”- Fred Wilson, VC

Dropbox, Hotmail, Eventbrite, Mailbox, and Snapchat acquired tons of millions of users with almost no money spent on marketing. They just built virality into their product.

A startup’s ability to go viral depends on two variables: time, and the ‘viral coefficient,’ i.e., the number of new users each user generates.

The graph below illustrates startup growth at different rates based on different viral coefficients. Let’s say that the Y-axis represents your number of user signups, and the X-axis represents time.

If your viral coefficient is 1.0 (each user generates one new user), you will achieve linear growth, assuming you retain your users. If you have a viral coefficient above 1.1, you will achieve exponential growth as illustrated by all of the lines above the lower green line.

With Viral Loops and our battle-tested referral templates, you can build virality into your product like Dropbox and Airbnb.

8/9/10. Team Team Team

The team is probably the most critical aspect of a successful company. No matter what idea you want to fund, big or small, working with a team allows you to multiply your network, divide and conquer tasks, focus on your areas of expertise and make your campaign the strongest it can be.

10 Tips To Boost Your Startup’s Pre-Launch Campaign:

  1. Build a pre-launch landing page.
  2. Use a viral boost to get more leads.
  3. Boost traffic with ads.
  4. Have a banner with every important referral page.
  5. Submit your startup. (PH, HN, Betalist)
  6. Build/engage with a community.
  7. Building Marketing Into Your Product.
  8. 9. 10. Team Team Team!!!
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